Latest 5 Tips get Optimize Your Adsense Earning
Firstly, you should continue learning and improve your knowledge when it comes to blog monetization because you always need to have a fresh content in your post topic to attract readers. When you have a certain niche post that provide value to user, your blog will start to attract more traffic.
Tips on How to Optimize Adsense
Adsense Section TargetingYou must know what is the best position and section to maximize your adsense earning. See the picture below and which part has more targeting from users.
For long articles, it is better to put your adsense in the middle of the contents or where the contents end. For short articles, put your adsense just above the content.
Google has also has published a list of the highest performing ad sizes:
336—280 large rectangle
300—250 inline rectangle
160—600 wide skyscraper
Normally, I find the 336 x 280 ad type has the best performance among other types.
Use Text ads instead of Image ads
Image ads Text ads pay for the often higher. Thus, the profit is always possible to increase the AdSense text ads to display. Readers more options and choices for text ads, text ads, because using the other reason is good. You can set the font of the CSS, color, size, and also can customize the ad. More attractive to the readers to customize your AdSense ads will be CSS.
Block low paying advertisers with Adsense Competitive Ads Filters
As you know, the lower eCPM to increase your AdSense account and the payment of advertisers you can block. Add all the internet, despite the low pay, but advertisers as well as web sites, ads using Adwords since there are more websites will be a high eCPM is not guaranteed. I saw a suspicious case, barring the display AdSense advertisers, some advertisers are not recommended.
Upload good quality images and use better captions
Sometimes you will get traffic from Image search engines that can earn you more AdSense Revenue than regular web traffic. So, it is always a good practices to upload good quality images and use appropriate text title with alt tags to make sure that blog images rank good in Image Search results page.
Separate each of your adsense section with a channel
By separating your adsense into different channels, you will know which types of ads section will bring you more profits by placing them in a good user target section.
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